Removing Betel Nut from the Lungs: A Bronchoscopy Procedure


The Unexpected Discovery

When a 64-year-old gentleman presented with a persistent cough that had lasted for a week, the initial diagnosis and treatment seemed straightforward. He was given antibiotics, and his condition initially improved. However, the radiological resolution was absent, prompting further investigation.

Upon deeper inquiry, it was revealed that the patient had been experiencing intermittent coughing for the past six months. A subsequent CT scan revealed a concerning finding: infections in both of the patient’s lungs.

The Bronchoscopy Reveals the Culprit

To uncover the root cause of the persistent infections, the medical team decided to perform a bronchoscopy procedure. This minimally invasive diagnostic and therapeutic technique allows doctors to examine the airways and lungs directly.

During the bronchoscopy, the doctors made an unexpected discovery: four pieces of betel nut were obstructing the patient’s airways. These foreign objects were leading to infections distal to the blockages and causing mucosal irritation, which resulted in edema (swelling).

Removing the Betel Nut: A Delicate Procedure

With the source of the problem identified, the medical team set out to remove the betel nut fragments from the patient’s lungs. This procedure was performed under local anesthesia, ensuring the patient’s comfort and safety throughout the process.

In the initial bronchoscopy session, the doctors were able to successfully remove three of the four pieces of betel nut. However, the final piece proved to be more challenging, requiring additional medical treatment and a second procedure to extract it.

The Importance of Thorough Examination and Persistence

This case highlights the importance of thorough medical examination and persistence in finding the root cause of a patient’s condition. Despite the initial improvement with antibiotics, the persistent radiological findings and the patient’s history of intermittent coughing prompted the medical team to dig deeper.

The bronchoscopy procedure, which allowed the doctors to directly visualize and access the patient’s airways, was crucial in identifying the unexpected culprit: the betel nut fragments. Without this diagnostic tool, the underlying issue may have remained undetected, leading to continued infections and potentially more serious complications.

The Role of Multidisciplinary Collaboration

The successful management of this case also demonstrates the value of a multidisciplinary approach to healthcare. The collaboration between the various medical professionals, including the pulmonologist, radiologist, and anesthesiologist, allowed for a comprehensive and coordinated treatment plan.

By working together, the medical team was able to accurately diagnose the issue, develop an appropriate treatment strategy, and ultimately resolve the patient’s persistent cough and lung infections. This collaborative effort highlights the importance of interdisciplinary cooperation in providing high-quality, patient-centered care.

Lessons Learned and Implications for Clinical Practice

This case study serves as a valuable lesson for healthcare providers. It underscores the need to maintain a high index of suspicion, even in seemingly straightforward cases, and to thoroughly investigate persistent or unusual symptoms.

Additionally, the successful removal of the betel nut fragments through bronchoscopy demonstrates the versatility and effectiveness of this diagnostic and therapeutic tool. Clinicians should be aware of the potential for foreign objects, such as betel nut, to become lodged in the airways and cause significant health issues.

By sharing this case study, the medical team hopes to raise awareness and encourage other healthcare providers to consider the possibility of foreign body obstruction in patients presenting with unexplained respiratory symptoms. Early recognition and prompt intervention can lead to better outcomes for patients and prevent the development of more serious complications.

Bronchoscopy is a crucial diagnostic and therapeutic tool in modern pulmonology. This procedure involves the use of a bronchoscope—a thin, flexible tube equipped with a light and camera—to directly visualize the airways and lungs. It allows healthcare providers to diagnose and manage various respiratory conditions with minimal invasiveness.

The Process of Bronchoscopy

During a bronchoscopy, the patient typically receives a sedative to help them relax. Local anesthesia is administered to numb the throat, ensuring comfort throughout the procedure. The bronchoscope is then gently inserted through the nose or mouth, passing down the throat into the trachea and bronchi.

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications

Bronchoscopy serves multiple purposes in respiratory care:

  1. Diagnosis: It helps in identifying abnormalities such as tumors, infections, inflammation, and blockages in the airways. Samples of mucus or tissue (biopsies) can be taken for further analysis.
  2. Treatment: The procedure can be used to remove foreign objects, like in the case of the 64-year-old gentleman, clear mucus plugs, and manage bleeding within the airways.

Advantages of Bronchoscopy

  • Minimally Invasive: Unlike surgical procedures, bronchoscopy is less invasive, reducing recovery time and associated risks.
  • Real-Time Visualization: It allows doctors to see inside the airways in real-time, providing immediate and accurate diagnosis.
  • Therapeutic Interventions: Besides diagnosing, it also enables therapeutic interventions, such as removing obstructions or delivering medication directly to the lungs.


The case of the 64-year-old gentleman with persistent lung infections and a hidden betel nut obstruction serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of thorough medical examination, persistent investigation, and multidisciplinary collaboration in healthcare. By leveraging advanced diagnostic techniques like bronchoscopy and working together as a team, the medical professionals were able to identify and successfully remove the unexpected foreign object, ultimately restoring the patient’s health and well-being.



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